And baby makes 5!! We are so excited to share that we are expecting our third baby in October! We found out that we were pregnant right before Valentine’s Day. It’s funny, all 3 of our pregnancies are connected to a holiday. James was around Halloween in 2016 and Claire was around Mother’s Day in 2019. We were ready and trying for a third baby and are very grateful that it worked out. I was able to see our little nugget on an ultrasound at my first appointment at 8 weeks and then again at 12 weeks. SO much growth! Between those two appointments, we ventured to New York City for Spring Break and I am still very proud of myself for solo adventuring around the city with two little kids during the tiring first trimester! I’m in my second trimester now and I feel like I have my energy back and thankfully the food aversions are gone. Good thing because I’m hungry allllll the time.
I’ve nicknamed this baby “Honey bear” since we already have a brother bear and a sister bear… any Berenstain Bears fans out there? 🙂 David and I have always talked about wanting 3 kids and it feels surreal that it’s happening! Claire and James are so excited for a new baby to join our family.
Here are a few Q&As about our pregnancy journey…
How far along are you? I’m almost 15 weeks.
When are you due? October 17th. Claire was born in January and James in June, so we have winter and summer birthdays, very excited for a Fall baby!
Do you know the gender? Not yet, we’ll find out at the 20 week anatomy scan.
How have you been feeling? I was nauseous and had food aversions in the beginning but it only lasted a few weeks. I was super tired every night and had zero energy after the kids went to bed. But I’m feeling really good and have my energy back… at least for now!
Do you have a name picked out yet? Not yet. We’ll really start thinking about it once we know the gender.
Are you still going to do photography? Yes! But my popular Fall mini sessions are going to look a lot different this year!! lol I might be able to do some before or after baby’s arrival but that is TBD.
How have you grown closer to God through this? Lots of trust, gratitude, and trying to enjoy this unique experience as this is likely our last baby. I know our world is going to drastically change this Fall, especially as James starts Kindergarten, and God keeps reminding me to soak up these last few months of having two “big kids” before a baby comes. Once again, my heart aches for the many women and men that experience infertility and aren’t able to grow their family. It’s confusing and sad and my heart wants to share the burden with those families but I’m not sure how. It makes me trust in God’s plan for all of us and pray with a more sympathetic heart for the waiting families.
Do James and Claire understand that a new baby is coming? James definitely does! He draws pictures for “mama and baby” all the time, it’s very sweet to be pregnant and have a big kid! He keeps tracks of as my weeks change each Wednesday and asks what size the baby is now. Very sweet. Claire kinda gets it but anytime we talk about the baby, she points to her own belly and says baby in here!
We can’t wait to meet you, Honey Bear!
Amazing!!! Congratulations and enjoy!!